Puerto Rico SPANISH All-in-One State and Federal Labor Law Poster

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Spanish. Laminated. 24" x 40" All-in-One State and Federal Labor Law Poster.

All-in-One Puerto Rico Labor Law Poster including mandatory State and Federal labor law postings

Puerto Rico and the Federal Government require employers to post state labor law postings AND federal labor law postings in each facility where employees and applicants can view them. Failure to comply with posting regulations can result  in fines. Our All-in-One Puerto Rico Labor Law Poster is up to date and attorney approved. All our products come with our 30-Day money back guarantee. We offer a 24" x 40" Puerto Rico All-in-One Labor Law Poster that includes all the state labor law postings and all mandatory federal labor laws. Posterss should be posted where employees congregate.


  • El Discrimen Es Ilegal
  • Negociado de Normas de Trabajo
  • Ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de Puerto Rico
  • Ley del Sistema de Compensaciones por Accidentes del Trabajo
  • Aviso del Dia de Paga
  • Numero de Telefono de Emergencia

Federal Labor Law Postings

  • La Igualdad De Oportunidades De Empleo Es LA LEY
  • Salario Federal Minimo
  • Ley Para La Proteccion del Empleado contra la Prueba del Poligrafo
  • Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacionales
  • Sus Derechos Bajo USERRA

* The facts presented on this website are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice or opinion.

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